Tuesday, 13 November 2012

The Benefits of Creatine Monohydrate

Bodybuilders and sportsmenof all kinds are continuouslysearching for ways to increasepower and strength whilstworking out. They can find many different health supplements that you can buy but it is difficult to knowwhich ones produce the greatest results. Many wonder what is creatine monohydrate and can it actually produce positive results?

Creatine is a naturalenergy source created by the kidneys, pancreas in addition to the liver. The circulatory system transports it to all muscles in the human body where the transformation to creatine phosphate occurs. The muscles then use it to generate adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, an excellent source of energy.

ATP producesquick bursts of energy required during strenuous activity. The muscles deplete the kept ATP in approximately ten seconds. Following that, the body needs merely a fraction of a second to transform creatine phosphate to ATP. If none is available, the muscles convert glycogen but this conversion process can take up to twenty seconds.

The more sources of energy muscles have access to, the more weight they are able to lift and the more repetitions the individual can do. Highly effective workout sessions triggera rise in lean muscle. Athletes are much stronger and have more energy to work out even harder.

Any energeticpersoncan benefit from incorporating this supplement in to the diet. Bodybuilders use it so they can exercise harder and for a longer period. Many Olympic athletes take it to make their workout sessions more effective. Those who are not professional athletes consume this substance to boost muscle tone and improve overall physical fitness.

Individuals can get small amounts of this substance by eating certain foods, like tuna, red meat, herring and salmon. The problem with depending on these nutritional sources is the quantitieson offer are very small and food preparation eradicatesalmost all of it. To receive the complete benefits, lots of people consume it as a supplement instead. Supplements in powder form are 99.9 percent pure and the levels in muscle tissue increase with only minimaldoses.

When absorbed with basiccarbohydrates, the absorption rate by muscle tissue increasesin comparison with taking the supplement alone. Some individuals build up levels by taking 5 to 10 grams a day. Others take 20 grams during a seven-day period to load the muscles and then decrease the dose to five to ten grams daily to maintain levels. Both dosage methods are effective, so personal preference determines which one to use.

Generating an insulin spike in the blood stream increases uptake of this substance. Insulin is an anabolic hormone that stimulates muscle growth and the synthesis of protein. It has the ability to transfer nutrients to the muscles and other parts of the body rapidly. Individuals can combine the supplement with basic carbohydrates such as dextrose to generate an insulin spike in the bloodstream.

Analysis has not revealed any adverse side effects related to using this substance. Oversaturation will not produce greater results because any excess is excreted through the digestive system. Once individuals understand what is creatine monohydrate they should consult with a physician before introducing it to the diet.


At The UKMA Shop we provide a wide range of Nutritional Supplements which will aid and assist you in your training goals.

Visit our Creatine section and take a look at some of our fantastic offers

Creatine Monohydrate Powder

The Best Creatine Capsules on the Market

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